Healing Modalities

I offer a range of healing modalities that combine ancient wisdom with modern knowledge. Whether through Yoga, Tantra, Women's Healths and Womb Healing.

I'm here to share this knowledge and empower you with the tools, insights and practices that resonate with your unique path, helping you unlock your full potential and experience growth.

I am committed to providing a safe and supportive space where you can openly explore, express and receive guidance without any judgment or pressure.
Let's work together to create an individual journey that meets your specific needs!

These practices can be applied in various formats, including 1:1 guidance, Workshops, Retreats, Rituals or Couple Sessions, depending on individual preferences.
By engaging in Moon Cycle Yoga, you will learn to adjust your personal practice to your natural cycle and the benefits of the specific asanas. You gain valuable tools to reduce symptoms associated with PMS, period pain, absent period or an irregular cycle and conditions such as Endometriosis or Adenomyosis.

The practice aims to alleviate discomfort and promote well-being during these times.
Furthermore, Moon Cycle Yoga teaches you how to naturally support your hormones and achieve balance in a holistic way. By incorporating Yoga, breath work, and relaxation techniques, you will be empowered to regulate your emotions and cultivate a greater sense of emotional well-being throughout your cycle.

The treatment in conventional medicine mostly involves surgery or hormonal treatment but it may not work for every woman. I offer a holistic approach that addresses the physical, energetic and mental aspects to find an individualized treatment for you.

I provide asanas from Moon Cycle Yoga to alleviate period pain and to promote preventive measures throughout your entire menstrual cycle. You will learn techniques to relax your body, utilize your breath and massage your womb.
I offer a variety of tools to prevent PMS symptoms and reduce pain. If you are open to it, we can explore the root causes of the illness, which may involve emotions, fears or even traumas. It can be connected to the female bloodline and your mother and grandmothers may have also experienced difficulties with their wombs.

Endometriosis can also affect your sexuality and may cause pain during sex. You can find more information on this topic in the chapter on sexual pain relief. It is possible to alleviate Endometriosis symptoms by making lifestyle changes, incorporating Yoga and living a more liberated life.

Yoni Massage is a therapeutic practice that involves a gentle and respectful massage of the Yoni, aiming to release numbness, pain or stored emotions and activating sexual energy. I also provide education on the various pleasure points within the Yoni to enhance sensual awareness and pleasure.
During a massage you decide, every step is happening in your pace with consent. It's an empowerment practice to communicate your boundaries and desires.
Yoni Mapping

If you feel hesitant about receiving a Yoni massage, I offer guided Yoni mapping sessions where you can explore self-massage techniques. During these sessions, you will learn how to release trigger points within your own Yoni and explore pleasure points, empowering you to develop your own self-pleasure practice. These sessions provide a safe and nurturing space for you to connect with your own body and deepen your understanding of your Yoni.

Yoni Eggs are ancient tools that can deepen your connection with your womb and Yoni while activating your sexual energy. Rooted in a 5000-year-old tradition from ancient Chinese medicine, Yoni Eggs are made of stones such as Jade or Rose Quartz and are inserted into the Yoni. They help increase libido, strengthen the pelvic floor and vaginal muscles by building up more nerves.
For many women experiencing numbness or pain in their vagina, Yoni Eggs can assist in transforming stored traumas and tension in the tissues. Additionally, they can help alleviate PMS symptoms and release emotions from the body.

Tantric rituals involve specific actions performed in a particular manner to establish a direct connection with universal energy, purify deeply, release and cultivate energy within the body, and facilitate higher states of consciousness. They are also suitable for beginners as they foster the control of sexual energy, incorporate spirituality into sexuality, and align the mind and heart with the divine. These practices can be performed in groups or by couples/lovers to explore their transformative potential.
Couple Rituals

Tantric rituals for couples serve as a beautiful tool for cultivating love, deepening the connection, and strengthening the bond between partners. These practices have the power to open the heart and are particularly beneficial for couples who feel emotionally or physically disconnected, offering an opportunity for reconnection.

A Kundalini Activation is an experience that connects you with your pure life force energy and awakens your energetic and emotional core. It's an inner dance where your body, mind, and soul are one. It involves an energy transmission that connects you with your essence and awakens your Kundalini. A session can bring you joy, bliss, inner freedom, clarity, and presence. It supports you in releasing blockages, fears, or emotions.
During a session, you're simply invited to be and receive, surrendering to your body and the magic. Throughout the session, you embark on a sound journey for an hour, during which I open the energetic field and allow life force energy to flow through me, assisting you in accessing your own energy. I'll use gentle, mindful touches if you agree. You may experience spontaneous body movements, twitches, or sensations of electricity, or you may feel nothing at all. Everything is valid.

How can we describe something, that can only be felt?
Look at my Kundalini Offerings online and in-person.